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WICCA SUPPLIES ALTAR KIT - Spiral Goddess Resin Figurine with Tarot Cloth. Kit also includes Pentacle Triple Moon Ornament
SPIRAL MOTHER GODDESS STATUE - 8 in (H) 3.5 in (W) 2.5 in (Base). Statue comes with the Spiral representing the ever continuing cycle of life, death and rebirth. Arms are raised, holding the triple moon releasing the spiral power within her. On the reverse a leafless tree represents the goddess rooted into the earth while surrounded by the waxing, full and waning moons.
TAROT CLOTH - 18 1/2 in x 18 1/2 in - Spiral Goddess with Pentacle. Gold on black with golden celtic knot borders. 100% cotton with frayed borders
TRIPLE GODDESS PENDANT - with Pentacle. Aproximately 1.5 in
Spirals, often used as a sign of life by Wiccans. The spiraling line has been seen as the constant path of life and has been found across various cultures through time dating back to the Paleolithic times carved into tombs. The spiral force or serpent force is the goddess energy. The spiral has been associated with horns and snakes and symbolized fertility and the vital magic of life.