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BRUSHES FOR DECORATIVE TECHNIQUES The demand for so-called one-stroke brushes is steadily increasing. By means of this technique painters love to adorn flowers and leaves in manifold ways. They work with one stroke brushes on all kinds of surfaces, such as glass, wood, ceramic or canvas. Depending on the surface of the article you want to work on, different kinds of colors and brushes are needed. This technique is also very popular to ornament decorative articles, articles of daily use and even pieces of furniture. But also for the face and body painting this technique is applied. In the decoration and face-painting you apply up to three colors at the same time. For that you take a brush, which keeps its original shape despite the strong pressure, which is exerted during working, in order to achieve clear, straight edges. Our series 1374 NOVA-Synthetics "One Stroke" fulfills this demand perfectly.