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Made Of Shock-Resistant And Heat Treated S2 Steel For Maximum Strength And Hardness
Package Dimensions: 9.9 H X 1.0 L X 6.1 W (Centimeters)
Package Weight: 0.068 Kilograms
Country Of Origin : China
585-92411 features: -type: socket head bit. -Style: tip size:1/16'', drive size:1/4 in (hex) - price is for each. -Style: tip size:050'', drive size:1/4 in (hex) - price is for each. -Style: tip size:5/64'', drive size:1/4 in (hex) - price is for each. Number of bits: -5+. generic dimensions: -overall length: 1 1/4 in. Dimensions: overall product weight: -5 pounds.