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Tcg grind: triple chip grind allows for smooth cut on non ferrous and plastic items
Ultra sharp, hard titanium carbide
Ideal for cutting Non ferrous metals such as aluminum, brass, copper, bronze and more as well as plastics, Plexiglas, PVC, Acrylics & fiberglass
Equipment Use with circular saw, miter saw, table saw, radial arm saw, etc.
2.4 mm kerf design, TCG grind & -5Degree hook
This industrial standard aluminum cutting carbide saw blade has construction grade titanium carbide teeth that allow you to easily cut through aluminum and non-ferrous metals such as copper, brass, bronze, etc. Can be used to cut other difficult materials such as plastic, PVC tubing and fiberglass. The negative hook angle, triple-chip grind and thick plate combine to produce a superior finish. TCG grind 2.4mm kerf -5 degree hook angle 5/8" arbor with diamond knockout