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Open dripproof
Single phase Full Load amps: 15/7.5Amp, 120/240V
2 HP SPL 3450 RPM
Frame Type:56, 5/8" Keyed shaft, Shaft length:2 1/16"
NEMA Motor is Non-Reversible CCW (Counter Clockwise) ONLY
Features: Reduced starting amperage design to ensure the reduced voltage starting at rated load. Equipped with UL approved Manual thermal overload, capacitors and high quality ball bearings to ensure the lifetime. Open dripproof is better used in environment that are relatively clean and dry environments. Special design for Air Compressor duty. Motor is Non-Reversible CCW (Counter Clockwise) ONLY. Additional Note: 120 volt Wire setting default, In order for it to be 240 volt conversion a couple of the the factory wired needed to be moved to different positions. Check the listing image for more detail. "Warning The package is over 30lbs and Fragile. Package require handle with care. For questions with motor won't start or any issue with wiring set up, please contact with your seller to resolved your issue first and also RETURN OPTIONS"