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5-Button replacement transmitter remote (Replacement for XT-11, XT-12, XT-21, XT-24, XT-57, XT-59, XT-60, XT-61, XT-62, XT-63, XT-65S, XT-72S)
FCC ID: H50T21 H5OT21 (Replacement for B23AT67, H50T20 H5OT20, H50T31 H5OT31, H50T33 H5OT33, H50T52 H5OT52)
AM, superheterodyne (SAW), 433.92MHz, clear LED lens (Blue, green, or red when LED on)
Works for CPX-RS1, CPX-RS2, DS-434, KE-120, RF-105KE, RF-1050KE, RF-1055KE, RF-215, RF-220, RF-225, RF-305, RF-310, RF-315, RF-350, RF-355, RF-405, RF-405A, RF-410, RF-420, RF-425, RF-425A, RF-503, RF-505, RF-520, RF-525, RS-60, RS-600, RS-601, RS-602, RS-603, RS-603A, RS-610, RS-610PLUS, RS-615, RS-620, RS-622, RS-625, RS-625A, RS-650, RS-650PLUS, RS-655, RS-660, RS-662, RS-665, RS-665A, RS-665-2W, RS-665-2WA, RS-720, RS-725, RS-727, RS-727A, RS-730, RS-730A, RST-205KE, RST-2050KE, RST-2053AL
NOTE: Button configurations may vary on remotes with different button layout than this remote
Programming instructions included (You will need to use the system's valet/override programming switch (push button or toggle type) to perform the programming procedure)