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Premium bath fan with dual grille
External rotor motor by ebm-papst
Air flow capacity: 270 CFM
Superior CFM at higher static pressure
Fantech premium bath fan with dual grille. Clear the air in smaller baths and powder rooms with Fantech single grille premium bath fan. The result is quiet yet powerful ventilation that is sure to protect your home from the damaging effects of moisture, steam and mold. 100 percent speed controllable. Rated for continuous duty. A small-scale grille mounts in the ceiling while the fan motor mounts in a remote location away from the living area. The result is quiet yet powerful ventilation that is sure to protect your home from the damaging effects of moisture, steam and mold. Fantech has expanded its premium bath fan selection to include a trio of models powered by exterior mounted wall fan. An excellent alternative when space is an issue or direct venting to the outside is required. Ideal for homes, condominiums and apartment complexes. Energy star qualified. 72 watts at 0.2 static pressure. 3.75 CFM/watt at 0.2 static pressure.