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Hihats are the most important cymbals on a drum set – HCS 15” bronze hihats are comprised of a lighter top cymbal and heavier bottom — the weight difference results in a clear and well-defined “chick” sound, whether played with your sticks or your foot
B8 bronze alloy — HCS bronze cymbals are designed for beginners who are just starting or players looking to expand — their B8 bronze alloy is fully lathed for a refined, bright and clear response and a balanced sustain
Made in Germany — when you open the box, the first thing you will notice is these cymbals bear the exact same markings as professional Meinl cymbals — they feature the large Meinl stamp and a smaller laser engraved logo with the text “Made In Germany”
Full range of sounds — unique to this price range, HCS bronze offers all of the cymbal types and sizes normally found in professional set ups to beginners — from trash crashes and splashes to bells and chinas, any sound option is within reach
Great for instructors — Meinl HCS cymbals are made for new players who are learning their way around the drum set — teachers will find these to be an outstanding affordable solution to outfit their lesson sets with in a studio or classroom
HCS Bronze hihats feature an extremely wide dynamic spectrum with a lively, warm sound. Brilliant open hihat and crisp chick.