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specially prepared botanical emollient for use with masage and for topical or external application.
softens at body temperature and is a soothing lubricant in massage.
used as a dressing for minor burns, skin irritaions, simple abrasions and superficial bruises
Petrolatum, cocoa butter, tannic acid, berberine sulfate, hydrastine alkaloid, isopropyl myristate, beta-carotene, partially hydrogenated cottonseed and soybean oils.
Viavi Cerate is specially prepared botanical emollient for use with masage and for topical or external application. Viavi Cerate softens at body temperature and is a soothing lubricant in massage. Also used as a dressing for minor burns, skin irritaions, simple abrasions and superficial bruises. Viavi Cerate is one of the oldest and one of the most populat of the Viavi family of products. Since its development in 1894, Viavi Serate has been a favorite of many generations of Viavi product customers.