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Our colloidal Gold products contain 0.00% chemicals - certainly no toxic chemicals or toxic metals - and are perfectly safe to consume as a dietary mineral supplement. A true colloidal Gold consists of a colloidal suspension of truly bioavailable Gold nanoparticles - colloidally suspended in pure water. This suspension is somewhat fragile and will collapse if the liquid is frozen or if it is hit with a strong acid. Sirius Metals' 99.99+% pure colloidal Gold is produced by a biochemist and contains 0.00% chemicals - especially no Hydrogen-tetrachloroaurate (or any other form of Gold chloride), Cinnamaldehyde, etc. It does not contain Gold ions or salt of any kind. No color is added. It is made from more expensive 99.997+% pure Gold metal - which is almost 100 times more pure than 24 Karat Gold; it is safe and effective.