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Beauty Starts On The InsideWhat does it take to be considered beautiful? Would you consider yourselfbeautiful? Would others consider you beautiful? The most important aspectof beauty lies with who you are on the inside. However, there’s a huge boonto changing how you look on the outside: it can positively impact yourconfidence, it can change how people see you, and ultimately, it allows youto carry yourself vibrantly.Dennis Schimpf, MD, FACS, wrote Finding Beauty to help peopleunderstand everything they need to know about plastic surgery, including:• the different plastic surgery procedures available to patients,• how to spot myths and misconceptions about plastic surgery, and• the importance behind plastic surgery and its role in medicine.Plastic surgery is an art and a process, and the more people understandabout the discipline, the more equipped they will be to handle expectationsand limitations. Dennis Schimpf seeks to battle the stigmas andmisunderstandings behind plastic surgery, and help you realize that no matterthe extent of the procedure, beauty starts with who you are on the inside.