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Do not try this holster if you are brand new to carrying concealed or if you don't like to carry appendix. This holster rides on the high side and is designed for the person who wants to be able to consistently get to their gun fast. This is a shooter's holster, not for those who never touch their gun. The +1 is the ultimate concealed carry appendix rig. Safely carry both your firearm and a spare magazine together in one comfortable combo! Features adjustable retention for both the gun and magazine. The +1 represents the pinnacle of holster design and function. This isn't something we just made, hundreds of hours has been put into designing and engineering this rig. Extensive thought has been put into every side, angle, and edge; to achieve the best design possible. We started by creating a digital design, that once perfected, is now machined off a CNC that is accurate to within 1/1000th of an inch. This allows for the ultimate in precision, consistency and quality.