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Standard size. Practice like the pros. You will finally be able to greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of your putts in a very simple way. These golf Balls are designed for training ONLY and are not intended to be used intensively on a golf course. It is the only training aid that allows golfers to test their 4 key aspects of putting ( green reading, aiming, speed and stroke ). Indoor / outdoor practice - A great golf gift idea. ASSESS and perfect your putting skills at a glance. Develop putting routine. Start reading putts properly. Gain more confidence. Improve your putting aim. Develop a better square strike. Feel and hit better putts. Make more putts and lower your score. The concept is to provide an excellent putting feel, both compact and gentle to creates the perfect roll on the golf ball. With its dual color design, you get an instant feedback on your putting stroke. If you make a quality putt, the center line will stay straight and you will get rewarded with a " no-wobble " pure roll. If your club face is too open or too closed, the balls roll with a clear visual " Wobble " and it's mean that your technic lacks accuracy and you have to plug this loophole by specifically training on it. THE PUTTING - A technical move that requires rigor and precision. You can also use them for your chipping training sessions to view the rate of spin you're generating. More than 40% of a player's shots in a round will be putts. Some golfers often forget the importance of this particular shot and prefer training on the driving range and focus on the swing. By knowing that you've prepared for every putt as best you can, will definitely increase confidence and you'll be surprised at how many more putts you hole. What happens when the face angle is square to the path at impact: Maximum force applied to ball. Minimum skid - maximum roll. No side spin on ball. Best distance control. Best directional control. Solid feeling putt. Best consistency.