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Amazon’s #1 Gay Sex Guide For 2 Years In A Row! It combines porn industry secrets with innovative techniques from the latest gay male sex research so you can COMPLETELY relax your sphincter for no-pain intercourse. Does bottoming hurt too much? Do hygiene worries keep you from trying? This book is for you!Learn porn star secrets to bottoming without pain and start making love with volcanic pleasure. Written by gay sex advice columnist Woody Miller and a team of urologists and colon-rectal specialists, this book combines porn industry secrets with innovative techniques from the latest gay male sex research.How We Got The Porn Industry’s Secrets To Bottoming Without Pain. We sent a team of researchers to interview a truckload of gay male erotica industry folk—cameramen, scouts, producers, directors and performers. The result is a fascinating, behind-the-scenes, no-holds-barred look into the industry and the secrets they use to get performers to bottom without pain or messy scenes. The main sections:1: What You Can Learn From Porn Star Bottoms. A fascinating view of bottoming in the porn industry—how gay erotica performers prepare for a shoot, how they can take huge tops without any pain (even if it’s their first time) and how they stay loose despite day-long shoots. If you ever had a question about how the porn industry works, this is the place to find answers—from how much money porn stars make to what percent are heterosexual (shocking!) to their favorite brand of douches.2: Free Your Mind, Your Butt Will Follow.How To Bottom Like A Porn Star: The Ultimate Guide To Gay Sex is part porn exposé, part how-to from the latest gay sex research. In this chapter, we’ll look at how “Anticipatory pain” and a perceived loss of masculinity can put your butt in a headlock. We’ll show you how to resolve the emotional blocks that stop you from trying or