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Bil-Jac Frozen Dog FoodDogs just go crazy for the taste! We guarantee you will see a healthy difference in your dog!Bil-Jac Frozen Dog Food provides complete and balanced nutrition from puppyhood through the golden years with fresh, delicious meaty flavor your dog will love. Preserved by freezing this nutritious dog food contains the key nutrients, vitamins and minerals your dog needs for health and vitality. It's easy to feed your dog a fresh, wholesome diet with Bil-Jac Frozen Dog Food, just take a bag out of the freezer and thaw overnight in the refrigerator. Keep in refrigerator while feeding - the same as you would keep fresh meat for your own meals! Bil-Jac is not a raw diet. Bil-Jac Frozen Dog Food is carefully pasteurized.Shipping information: Bil-Jac Frozen Dog Food comes packed in dry ice to maintain freshness. To make sure you receive a fresh product our Bil-Jac Frozen Dog Food can only be shipped via 2-day delivery on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (to avoid weekend deliveries), and will also require a signature. This way we know you will receive a fresh product and that you will be able to keep it fresh by immediately adding to your freezer or refrigerator.