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Convenient Package of bananas in various ripeness stages so you can eat them over several days without them going brown.
One-a-Day Fresh Produce Selected Fruit Bananas. One banana a day by ripeness level.
They are rich in fiber and potassium while low in sodium, a recipe for a healthy cardiovascular system.
Bananas are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. It helps in digestion, is good for the heart and aids in weight loss.
It's all about convenience. Especially made by Banadaily.
One-a-Day Fresh Produce Selected Fruit Bananas. One banana a day by ripeness level. (*) Convenient Package of bananas in various ripeness stages so you can eat them over several days without them going brown. (*) Bananas can be an excellent ally for good health. Bananas are rich in fiber, potassium, vitamins C and vitamin A, the fruit promotes energy and have many benefits to our body. It also is a source of B-complex vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron and folic acid. Due to its rich composition, bananas can help prevent cardiovascular disease, keep the brain healthy, brings energy to the body, reduces cramps, is good for the vision, increases satiety and contributes to weight loss. (*) Bananas are a nutritious food that are a good source of carbohydrate energy. They also contain fibre which may contribute to gut health, potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins. They are portable and a convenient snack, and are a good option pre or post workout.