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Fan of the Vikings History Channel show? The Last Kingdom? 13th Warrior? Have questions, like: Who were the Vikings? • Illiterate, mindless barbarians bent on the destruction of Christendom? • Swashbuckling Columbuses unaware of the larger world around them? “There’s nothing on the other side of the North Sea, Ragnar!” • Agents from hell, sent to punish bad Christians? • Were they really that violent? • Why Attack Europe? • Why were they so successful? • How many Vikings were there? • Were there women Vikings like Lagertha? While the entertainment industry has focused on the Viking wars and raids in Britain, their invasions into Francia have largely been ignored. But a full understanding of the Viking Age must include this part of the story. Thankfully, we have historical documents from the period to give us that story. The Annals of St-Vaast—never before published in English—is one of the key sources for their adventures in the Kingdom of the Franks. Written in the last quarter of the 9th century, they cover the height of Viking invasions on the continent of Europe. The annals are a great companion for anyone interested in the perspective of the Christian world in this turbulent century. What you’ll find inside this book: • The story of the great Siege of Paris! • The destruction of the Carolingian dynasty. • Intrigue, murder, treason, rebellion, and feuds between the Frankish Kings, their dukes, counts, and bishops. • Medieval Military History!: strategy, tactics, weapons, and logistics. • Professional historical analysis of the source. • An invitation to a Free Video Course on the Vikings, instructed by the author himself. • A sample of