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Product description Artin, E. Language Notes Text: English, German From the Back Cover Emil Artin was one of the leading algebraists of the 20th century. He worked in algebraic number theory, contributing largely to class field theory and a new construction of L-functions. He also contributed to the pure theories of rings, groups and fields. Artin developed the theory of braids as a branch of algebraic topology. He was also an important expositor of Galois theory, and of the group cohomology approach to the class ring theory (with John Tate), just to mention two theories where his formulations have became an established standard. The influential treatment of abstract algebra by van der Waerden is said to derive in part from Artin's ideas, as do those by Emmy Noether. This volume is a reprint of Artin's works. About the Author Emil Artin was born in Vienna in 1898. He studied under G. Herglotz and got his PhD at the University of Leizpig in 1921. In July 1923, Artin obtained the Venia legendi for mathematics at Hamburg University and was appointed Extraordinarius in 1925 and Ordinarius in 1926, at the age of 28. For eleven years, Artin directed the activities of the Mathematical Seminar of Hamburg University together with Hecke and Blaschkethe. In fall 1937, Artin emigrated to the United States of America with his wife and family, where he taught at Notre Dame University for a year, thereafter at Indiana University, Bloomington, from 1938 until 1946 and finally at Princeton University from 1946 until 1958. Starting in fall 1958, he taught at Hamburg University again. In 1962, he died in Hamburg.