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Helmar H4000 Silicone lubricates, Protects, Shines, Restores. Use as a Release Agent, it is industrial strength and food grade. It provides superior corrosion resistance, superior water & salt water resistance, superior low and high temperature performance, withstands mild acid & alkaline exposure, low friction resistant to oxidation, chemicals and weather prevents ice adhesion, repels ink & water. Home: Curtain tracking, sliding drawers, sliding windows, door tracking, squeaky hinges, garage door tracking, zippers, hand saw blades, circular saw blades, compound saw blades, pruners, hedger, shears & cutters, leather, plastic, rubber, swimming pool filter equipment (preserves & protects rubber O-rings). + Hundreds of other uses! Sport: Fishing equipment (rods & reels), firearms, leather footwear, ski equipment (bindings), treadmills, archery, sailing and boating equipment. + Hundreds of other uses! Automotive: Door locks, hinges, stops moisture build-up in ignition systems, all rubber components, dashboards, trim, rubber mouldings, tyres, battery terminals, cables, window channels. + Hundreds of other uses! Industrial: Sliding surfaces, conveyor belts, as a mould & release agent, heat-sealing equipment, as a spatter guard, cutting knives, saw blades, needle points, fabric cutting tables surfaces. + Hundreds of other uses!.