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Each new print copy of Firefighting Strategies and Tactics, Enhanced Third Edition also includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. Experience Navigate 2 today at Strategies and Tactics, Enhanced Third Edition Includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access is the fire service’s most complete and comprehensive “strategies and tactics” resource available for fire service professionals. This textbook offers clear, systematic guidance on how to take control of the fireground – even under the most adverse conditions. In addition to residential dwellings, the Enhanced Third Edition covers best practices to safely and effectively manage fires in residential dwellings, commercial buildings, high-rises, places of assembly, vehicles, and in the wild.Firefighting Strategies and Tactics, Enhanced Third Edition Includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access features: Complete coverage of the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Strategies and Tactics model curriculum. New and improved chapter organization, including a new chapter dedicated to Pre-Fire Planning. End-of-chapter case studies that help students apply what they have learned.