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The Resistant Starch Bible (Second Edition) In recent years there has been much ado about resistant starch, but there is still much mystery involved as well. This book takes the mystery out of resistant starch and propels you to a whole new understanding and knowledge of this food that can: Lower blood cholesterol and blood fats Decrease the production of new fat cells Make you feel fuller while maintaining a healthy weight Decrease insulin sensitivity Improve digestion Help Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis, constipation and a host of other bowl disorders and diseases Help in regulating bowel movements by adding bulk and water to you stools Prevent the growth of unhealthy bacterial cells in your colon Enhance mineral absorption (especially calcium) Improve immunity by controlling the production of immune cells and inflammatory compounds in the gastrointestinal tract The Resistant Starch BIble is not just another treatise on how eating resistant starch can help you, but will give you an in depth understanding of exactly what resistant starches are, where they come from, how they are broken down and how they are used by the body to keep you healthy and happy. This book goes beyond the conventional informational thesis to provide you with a detailed explanation of what carbohydrates are and how they work, as well as what fiber is, what starch is, the difference between fiber and starch, what resistant starches are, where you can get resistant starches and finally how you can put all of that knowledge to work to create a diet that is rich in resistant starch today. There has never been a book like this, in that it is not only informative and educational, but it breaks it down into easy to understand language that requires very little knowledge of chemistry or science to comprehend the broad scope of resistant starches. Not only does it help you understand what resistant starches are, but it also explains how they work and how they can help to prevent l