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You picked up this book because you are now -- or soon will be -- living with a pregnant woman.The title, "Dad", will make you a superhero. But it's only possible because a woman in your life goes through hell first. This book will make you a support champion. Because you, my man, are the sidekick.A sidekick knows there is more to the first trimester than ginger ale. A sidekick knows where they fit into a baby shower. Most importantly, a sidekick has a plan to get his hero's favorite tacos in any situation. Packed with practical tips, and over 20 illustrations, this book is the perfect guide to help men thrive during pregnancy.o Fitness for Future Dadso Sex during Pregnancyo And Much More!o BONUS: 19 Sidekick Skills You'll Need to Thrive During PregnancyGet your copy of the first ever pocket pregnancy guide today!