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The Purpose of Installing an Exhaust muffler. Muffler reduces the noise engine makes when it is running. Your engine generates lots of pulsating noise as its exhaust valves open up to release highly pressurized gas. These thousands of little sound bursts per minute travel quickly down the exhaust pipe, and the noise bounces around to add up into a loud and potentially very annoying sound. The key, then, is to find a way to minimize this sound level before it exits the exhaust system. So an exhaust muffler will help you. How to install an Exhaust muffler? The correct installation method will enhance the noise reduction function of the muffler. step1, Drilling hole in advance on the car exhaust pipe. step2, Embed the silencer in the exhaust pipe of the car, adjust the postion of hole. step3, Using bolt tighten car exhaust pipe and muffler pipe, confirm that it is fixed and will not shake.