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Wirelessly scan to your smartphone, tablet or computer — plus online cloud storage accounts (3); PC and Mac compatible
Premium accounting features (2) — automatically extract data from receipts and invoices, and export to QuickBooks Online or Excel.
Fastest scan speeds in its class (1) — up to 25 ppm/50 imp (4); Single-Step Technology captures both sides in one pass.
Total portability — choose from AC, battery or USB power (5), wherever your business takes you.
Versatile scanning — scan 2-sided documents, receipts, invoices, business cards/IDs and more; 20-page Auto Document Feeder for quick batch scanning.
table width="1790" body try td width="1790"Boasting the fastest scan speeds in its class (1) and premium accounting features (2) to easily organize receipts and invoices, the portable Workforce ES-300WR duplex document scanner is the perfect tool for scanning important documents and expenses. Wirelessly scan 2-sided reports, business cards and receipts to laptops, tablets and smartphones (3). Easily scan to cloud storage accounts (3), or searchable PDFs and editable Word and Excel files using the included Epson Scan Smart Accounting Edition Software (3). Featuring a 20-page Auto Document Feeder, the compact ES-300WR performs efficient batch scanning at up to 25 ppm/50 imp (4). And, it’s powered by AC, battery or USB (5).bra / bra / 1. In its class, as compared to other portable consumer document scanners with an ADF, using the AC adapter and power cable, priced under $300 MSRP USD (sold into the United States and Canada as of May 2018). Excludes other Epson products. bra / 2. Requires Epson Scan Smart Accounting Edition Software. Not available for iOS or Android mobile devices. Bra / 3. Wirelessly scan to smartphones or tablets (Android/iOS devices) via the Epson Documents can App; wirelessly scan to the cloud, PCs or Mac with Epson Scan Smart Accounting Edition Software installed on the connected Windows PC or Mac. Internet connection is required. Epson Scan Smart Accounting Edition Software supports Windows 10 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows 8/8.1 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) SP1 and Mac OS X 10.11.x to machos 10.13.x.bra / 4. Based on letter-sized scans at 300 dpi using the AC adapter or USB 3.0 cable. Bra / 5. USB power requires USB 3.0 connection port on your computer. Bra / 6. For convenient and reasonable recycling options, visit our official site. Bra / 7. Smart Way is an innovative partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that reduces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and improves fuel efficiency.