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Format: DVD
Language: English
Subtitle: English, Korean, None (All removable)
Region: Region 0/All (1/2/3/4/5/6)
Screen Format: NTSC / Wide Screen / Color
Running time: 137 min
Cover has the foreign language text as the picture shows. Some Korean letters on the front & back cover - Korean import release
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Henry V of England (Kenneth Branagh) was a brilliant warrior and strategist. From a very young age he had the opportunity to demonstrate his military skills. Real power consolidated after the death of his father, the main objective of Enrique V was to recover French territories that corresponded to England by virtue of succession rights arising from the marriage between Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II of England (12th century). With this objective Henry V assembles an extraordinary council of the nobility. During the session, two French emissaries arrive in the room, seriously offending the English king. These facts, together with his own conviction that the French possessions belong to him, trigger the war by England. Before embarking for France he discovers a terrible betrayal.