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Ready-to-use electric power calculations Fully revised to include calculations needed for the latest technologies, the new edition of this essential guide provides the step-by-step procedures required to solve a wide array of electric power problems. This time-saving tool makes it easy to find and use the right calculation. New sections address power electronics, alternate energy, power quality, and smart grids. Featuring coverage of the entire electrical engineering spectrum, this practical resource contains graphs, illustrations, and SI and USCS equivalents. Handbook of Electric Power Calculations, Fourth Edition, covers: Basic network analysis Instrumentation DC motors and generators Transformers Three-phase induction motors Single-phase motors Synchronous machines Generation of electric power Overhead transmission lines and underground cables Electric power networks Power flow analysis in power systems Power system control Short-circuit computations System grounding and earthing Power system protection Power system stability Cogeneration Stationary batteries Electric energy economic models Lighting design Power electronics Alternate energy sources Power quality Smart grids