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Avena Sativa NON-Alcohol liquid extract contains ONLY natural ingredients!
High Quality Oatstraw NON-Alcohol liquid extract - we use classic conventional methods of extraction! We meticulously produce our extracts according to precise standards where each herb is extracted according to the distinct characteristic of each plant!
Super concentrated Oats straw NON-Alcohol extract: dried material / solvents ratio is 1:3!
We strictly use Only Certified Organic or ethically sourced wild harvested raw material, vegetable palm glycerin and crystal clear artesian purified water! Really the BEST Oatstraw herbal glycerite on market! Made with love for plants and respect for Nature!
Oat (Avena Sativa) is an annual herbaceous plant up to 1,5 meters high. The root is fibrous, the stem looks like a straw; it diameter is up to 6 mm. The root has 2-4 bare nodes. Rough linear green leaves are located on the stem. The length of each of them is 20-45 cm, the width in most cases does not exceed 8-30 mm. The flowering of Oats begins in June and lasts until July-August. The flowers are small, bisexual, collected 2-3 pieces in spikelets, which in turn form a spreading panicle up to 25 cm long. Avena Sativa fruit is a caryopsis surrounded by scales.