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Sun Dried Nature Wild Caught Fish Maw 野生捕捞墨西哥石斑鱼鱼肚风干制成
Rich in collagen;good for beauty 特点是胶体厚实透亮,适用于怀孕待产,产后修复
Easy cook no fishy 无腥味,容易烹饪
0.5 lb per pack, 6 year growth fish maw, 8-15 pcs per pack.0.5磅装#15,中号,6年鱼龄,8-15片/份
冷水浸泡1天后,蒸5分钟,再冷水浸泡2天,即可配合肉类炖煮。野生鱼肚含有丰富的蛋白质和胶质,老少均可,尤其适合女性食用。 After soaking in cold water for 1 day, steam for 5 minutes, then soak in cold water for 2 days, then stew with meat in soup dishes. Wild fish maw is rich in protein and gum, good for all kinds of people, especially good for women.