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Jascenta comes with exclusive Shopkins Peyton Perfume
Jascenta has her straight, crystlal-blue hair styled up in a half-bun with the iconic Shoppie oversized headband, removable printed circle skirt and a pair of transluscent heels
Includes a comb and a miniature 'magazine'
Don't forget to check out Summer Peaches, Pommie, and Lolita Pops to complete your collection!
Stands approximately 5.5" tall
Product Description Shopkins - Jascenta and her Shopkins BFF Peyton Perfume match perfectly, as two BFFs should! Shoppies stand approximately 5.5" tall, and are compatible with all Shopkins playsets Set Contains: 1x doll 1x Shopkin 1x comb 1x mini "magazine"