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Having low energy? Getting sick often? Gaining weight easily? All these alarming symptoms can mean one thing – poor immunity. A weak defense system opens the gate for viruses, bacteria, infections, allergies… If not treated on time, this leads to even more serious ailments, such as the modern plague – cancer. Thankfully, we can turn things around with long-term lifestyle changes and simple homemade remedies. Here is one powerful recipe you can start implementing right away! Dragon Cider for Bulletproof Immunity Ingredients: 1/2 cup grated horseradish 1/2 cup grated ginger root 1 onion, diced 10 garlic cloves, mashed 4-5 cm (1.5-2 inch) turmeric root, grated 1 lemon Spices according to your preferences – Rosemary, Cayenne pepper, Cinnamon Raw organic apple cider vinegar Raw honey Directions: Cut the lemon in pieces and put it in a large glass jar. Add all other ingredients. Pour the apple cider vinegar until you fill the jar completely. Wrap the top of the jar with a tissue. Do not use a metal cap/lid. Store the jar in a dark and cool place for a month. Shake the mixture once in a while. Next, after the one month period, strain the infusion with cheesecloth and add some honey to sweeten its taste. Pour it in a glass bottle (preferably with a cork cap). For prevention: take 1 Tbsp. of the Dragon cider daily. In cases of flu/colds: take 1 Tbsp. 3 times a day in addition to your therapy. Consult with your physician first! Here is what you will also find in this book: - Healthy gut – healthy you! How to take care of our beneficial colon bacteria? - Natural probiotics and prebiotics – how to make them at home with natural ingredients? - Adaptogens – the key to dealing with stress, infertility and building our strong immunity. - Which bee products are best for our defense system and how to use them to their maximum benefit? - Natural ways and systems to prevent, stop, and heal from cancer cell formation. - Loads of delicious immune boosting recipes and remedies. - The best