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Greetings from The Puzzleterian! LET THE GAMES BEGIN------BECAUSE------“PUZZLE VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE!” Alphabets, letters, words, numbers are the spicy ingredients in this thought-watering puzzle and game buffet of stimulating activities, because like our bodies need nutritious food to stay healthy, likewise do our brains need puzzlicious food to play mentally. Whimsically choosing, from an invigorating cornucopia of alpha-numeric, brain-enriching WORD SEARCHES, WORD SCRAMBLES, WORD MATCHES, MAZES, SUDOKUS, and CRYPTOGRAMS as you hungrily explore and pursue with your ‘spooncil’ (spoon + pencil), will help remove the haze in your gaze (brain fog) when your diligent efforts result in a tasty, gratifyingly ‘delectable’ epiphany of profound lucidity. Upon completing this puzzlicious brain-food book of assorted fun activities, some people allegedly have experienced becoming an expert who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything there is to know about absolutely nothing. (Nah, just kidding – The Puzzleterian.) While it may not do all of the above, can you think of anything better than taking some time for yourself, with a toasted malted bread smothered with cream cheese and strawberry jam and with a steaming hot cup of honey-processed, high mountain grown, dark roasted Costa Rican Tarrazu Montecielo coffee to enjoy a less stressful, quieter place? Me neither. The Puzzleterian