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Pretty in Pink invokes "clover blooms, crescent moon, fluffy dress covered in roses, invitation on a windy spring day, heady perfume, eccentric guest, elderberry wine and sweet whispers" in Nora Corbett's description of this beautiful design.
Kit with complete instructions including cross stitch graph
Materials Included: Cross Stitch Chart; Mill Hill Bead Embellishment Pack
Approximate Stitched Area: 11.5 inches wide x 12.25 inches high; Stitch Count: 184 wide x 196 high
Additional DMC flosses and DMC blends are required but NOT included in this bundle. Frame NOT included.
Pretty in Pink by Mirabilia kit includes cross stitch chart and Mill Hill Embellishment Pack. Fabric, DMC flosses, DMC blends and frame are NOT included. Approximate Stitched Area: 11.5 inches wide x 12.25 inches high