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Review DiFranco creates a spare, mesmerizing batch of treats, including "'Tis of Thee," about an America that forgets its poor and is transfixed by Jerry Springer. -- People Her lovely, elastic voice can swing from toffee to burlap within a phrase, and her feel for words is masterful.... [B]ut as music, DiFranco's work is slack and overly busy at the same time. -- Rolling Stone On her 12th album, the maverick singer/songwriter ... continues to air personal and political concerns in lyrics deliciously sharp and refreshingly free of sentimentality and soapbox stridency. -- USA Today She isn't a very inspired melodist--despite all the flashy effects. -- Entertainment Weekly When the Buffalo, N.Y., native rails against economic injustice or institutionalized sexism, she forgoes puffed-up rancor in favor of a racy, street-smart vernacular that cuts to the heart of the matter with headstrong fervor. -- Los Angeles Times You might not be sure what record you wandered into, but these songs carry a curious charm, especially in the open, less mannered vocals. Rarely has loveliness seemed so experimental. -- Spin Product Description Well, there's no need to introduce this folksinger... okay, maybe I will. America's favorite folkie Ani DiFranco is back with a slew of new songs, all written and produced by DiFranco (of course). As always, many of these tunes debuted during recent concerts, though you can be sure they've all changed quite a bit along the way. DiFranco herself naturally offers up more of her distinctively percussive acoustic guitar and soaring vocals, but you'll also hear her wailing away on the occasional water cooler and "space phone" every now and then. Track list includes: "'Tis of Thee," "Come Away from It," "Junkebox," "Angel Food," "Angry Anymore," "Everest," "Up Up Up Up Up Up," "Know Now Then," "Tickle Down," "Hat Shaped Hat"