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Brand:National Semiconductor, Type:ICs & Processors
The LM308 series are precision operational amplifiers having specifications a factor of ten better than FET amplifiers over a u221255u00b0C to +125u00b0C temperature range. The devices operate with supply voltages from u00b12V to u00b120V and have sufficient supply rejection to use unregulated supplies. Although the circuit is interchangeable with and uses the same compensation as the LM101A, an alternate compensation scheme can be used to make it particularly insensitive to power supply noise and to make supply bypass capacitors unnecessary. The low current error of the LM108 series makes possible many designs that are not practical with conventional amplifiers. In fact, it operates from 10 Mu03a9 source resistances, introducing less error than devices like the 709 with 10 ku03a9 sources. Integrators with drifts less than 500 u03bcV/sec and analog time delays in excess of one hour can be made using capacitors no larger than 1 u03bcF.