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Get more bang for your buck in the commodities market and starttrading todayWhile Wall Street has been troubled, commodity markets have beensoaring. Since 2002, commodities have outperformed every otherasset class including stocks, mutual funds, and real estate. Thishands-on, friendly guide gives you the basics on breaking into themarket, dispels common myths, and shows you how to implement a widerange of trading and investing strategies. It also helps youdiversify your portfolio, measure risk, and apply market analysistechniques.Expanded coverage of the types of commodities available toinvestorsAdvice on how to manage the risks and rewards ofcommoditiesUpdated examples and information on SEC rules and regulations(and tax laws)Featuring time-tested rules for investment successCommodities For Dummies helps you minimize risk, maximizeprofit, and find the shortest route to Easy Street.