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Hi!! I'm Kym Kral. I’m a standup comedian and writer in Los Angeles. I also happen to be a recovering party girl who loves douchey men that I can pity and fix. And if they have some sort of drug or alcohol problem, please sign me up! My vagina is straight waterfalls for those fellas. Oh and I'm pretty codependent too.“Hi Kym,” (That’s you, in unison, like a 12 step meeting).I have had dozens and dozens of dates, one-night stands, “are we/aren’t we” types of relationships, and much more. I spent most of my 20s (and if I’m honest a lot of my 30’s) crying in the shower, wondering what the fuck was wrong with me. Hangovers, heartbreaks, and doing anything I could to not get abandoned by whatever douchey loser I thought would fix me at the time. Sounds like a bummer of a book, right? No! One day I woke up and decided to get my shit together. And I did. For the most part. But that doesn’t make for an interesting book; all the drama and heartache and whippets along the way to get there do. In this book, I’ll tell you some of the stories that helped me get to the self-loving goddess that I am today. The self-loving goddess that you deserve to be too! Some of these stories are so wild and unbelievable that they will have you asking, “Why did she date that dude for so long?” Some will be sad (one of the guys in a story dies at the end!). Some are going to be just funny and awkward (one involves me sharting before a dude went down on me. Yup. That’s in here too. Yikes. I know.). And some, you may root for me and the dude to end up together someday. But all will have you rolling with laughter, and hopefully, help you let go of the self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors that you might have. My hope is that my vulnerability and honesty will make you feel less alone. Dating is fucking hard, it’s even harder when you’re in your late 30’s and still picking the same dude but in a different human suit. If you’re anything like me, maybe you’ll read this and learn from my experiences. “Confessions of a Recovering Party Girl,” offers insight into how I cut ties with my co-dependent ways, hilarious dating stories, and also some love and encouragement that if I can learn to love the hell out of myself, anyone can. Promise.