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A complete experiment kit for the isolation of plant DNA from pea plants. Students will grow and then harvest plants, air dry them, and perform the steps necessary to isolate the plant DNA. The DNA is analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Kit includes: instructions, pea seeds, DNA extraction buffer, B-mercaptoethanol, Ammonium acetate, TE buffer, standard genomic DNA, gel loading solution, UltraSpec-Agarose powder, electrophoresis buffer, InstaStain Blue and FlashBlue Stain. You need: electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, waterbath, Sorvall centrifuge, micropipet, balance, microcentrifuge, microwave or hot plate, visualization system, 95-100% isopropanol, distilled or deionized water, horticulture grade vermiculite, misc. labware.