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More than 950 flash cards, practice questions, and quick reference sheets for the CCDA DESGN exam 640-861 and CCDP ARCH exam 642-871Run through practice exam questions while reviewing crucial information on challenging topicsBoost memory retention with 350+ flash cards, specifically designed to cover all exam objectivesDownload the electronic flash cards to your handheld for ultimate portabilityCreate and save personalized sets of electronic flash cards for focused reviewDigest complex CCDA and CCDP information with a set of 55+ quick reference sheetsReview all exam objectives in a variety of formats using proven self-study methodsCCDA/CCDP Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack includes the following three tried-and-true methods of late-stage test preparation:More than 350 flash cards. Test your understanding of CCDA and CCDP concepts with flash cards in print and electronic formats. The electronic version is PC-, Palm OS-, and Pocket PC-compatible, allowing for supreme flexibility. Shuffle the electronic cards, work from preset groups of cards, or create and save your own challenging set for focused review.550 practice exam questions. Verify your knowledge with this robust exam engine. Test your proficiency in two modes-study mode and practice mode-and identify areas of weakness so you can concentrate on specific topics for which you need the most help.55+ quick reference sheets. Review crucial CCDA and CCDP exam objectives with these comprehensive reference sheets. Succinct text overviews of complex concepts are supported with detailed diagrams to provide a valuable late-stage review of all that must be mastered for exam success.Are you ready to take your CCDA DESGN or CCDP ARCH exam? You've learned the concepts, you have the experience to put them into real-world use, and now you want to practice, practice, practice until exam