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Product Description (Description in English below/Descripción en inglés debajo del texto en español) ¿Sabes qué es una arepa? ¿La has probado alguna vez o siempre comen arepas en tu casa? ¿Sabes quién las inventó, cómo se preparan y por qué se llaman así? ¿Te atreves a preparar unas arepas de colores?A través de un rítmico poema y hermosas ilustraciones, este libro te ofrece una breve historia de este alimento, que forma parte de la cultura de muchos países de Hispanoamérica, especialmente de Venezuela y Colombia, y hoy se puede comer en cualquier país del mundo. En este libro descubrirás porqué para el venezolano la arepa es símbolo de identidad y unión, referencia de hogar que lo acompaña a donde quiera que vaya. Hacer arepas para un venezolano es conectar con Venezuela desde el corazón. (Book in Spanish) Do you know what an arepa is? Have you ever tried it, or do you always eat arepas at home? Do you know who invented them, how they are prepared, and why they are called that way? Would you like to prepare some colored arepas? This book offers you a brief history of this food through a rhythmic poem and beautiful illustrations. Arepas are part of the culture of many Latin American countries, especially Venezuela and Colombia, and today it can be eaten in any country around the world. This book delves into the history of the Venezuelan arepa, a symbol of identity and union, a home reference that accompanies you wherever you go. Making arepas for a Venezuelan is to connect with that Venezuela that he carries in his heart. Review La arepa cuenta su historia. Y lo hace con su propia voz hablándole a los niños, especialmente los niños venezolanos que se encuentran en el exterior. Este es un hermoso trabajo editorial de Ximena Montilla Arreaza, psicopedagogo venezolana quien se la pasa inventando tareas y actividades para que los más pequeños no se olviden de dónde vienen ni de sus raíces, especialmente alimentarias. Ilustrado por Laura Stagno, en versos sencillos y simpáticos, en este libro la arepa va explicando sus orígenes, su preparación, sus usos, de una manera simple y llana para que no queden dudas de la importancia de nuestro pan originario. De lectura obligada en cada hogar, es un regalo hermoso About the Author Venezuelan-Spanish teacher, passionate about Teaching Spanish at home as an affective language and specialized in bilingual Parenting. She has lived in Germany, Spain and the US, holding various positions related to the educational area and the publishing world such as preschool teacher, Spanish and English Teacher, Special Education Teacher, Educational Consultant for private and public schools in Spain, and facilitator of workshops and talks aimed at teachers, children, and families. After emigrating to the United States, and observing with concern that many Spanish-speaking families decide not to teach Spanish at home, she dedicated herself promote the importance of teaching Spanish at home in the Latin-American community and also decided to design educational resources to teach the language in an effective and easy way. In 2017, she began working on a line of educational material that allows Spanish-speaking parents and professionals to teach Spanish in an easy, fun, and effective way, through the culture that accompanies the language and promoting the importance of reading and emotional intelligence in the learning process. That same year, she created her LLC, a small publishing house Clases Listas LLC and with her team of Spanish speaking friends and family, living in different parts of the world, she dedicated herself to design Spanish programs for adults, youth, and children, as well as games, lessons ready to teach, literacy resources and mini books. Ximena writes, illustrates, and leads her team from her small office in Georgia. Her first children's book Soy la arepa, was the product of an investigation to publicize the history of a food that she classifies as a symbol of identity and home