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Find Top 100, Easy and Delicious Blood Type O Diet Recipes and Guide to effective dieting in: BLOOD TYPE O DIET: EATING RIGHT FOR YOUR BLOOD TYPE RECIPES THAT WILL FLAVOUR YOUR Life. As a result of the revolutionary and highly effective Blood Type Diet ®, by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, Emily Fan has written some practical tips that will make eating right for your blood type easy. If your thought is that not everyone should eat the same thing or do the same exercise, then you are right. Your blood type reflects your internal chemistry. Indeed different blood types mean different body chemistry. A blood type O will enjoy a high protein and low carbohydrate diet. Blood type A enjoys a vegetarian diet. Blood Type B enjoys protein and a bit of dairy. Blood type AB enjoys a diet for both blood type A and B. Carry this book everywhere you go dining, cooking, vacation, restaurants, grocery store because it is your key to avoid adding more pounds and living healthy. This book contains a comprehensive list of foods for blood Type O: • Meats, poultry, and seafood • oils and fats • dairy and eggs • nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes • bread, grains, and pasta • fruits, vegetables, and juices • spices and condiments • spices and condiments • herbal teas and other beverages for your type • Blood type diet starter tips in simple and easy steps. And Recipes For Blood Type O diet MORE THAN 7 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE ARE ENJOYING THIS DIET. JOIN THEM NOW.