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Based on naturally derived science, this broad spectrum ingredient is highly effective without compromising health issues.
As a side benefit, it also adds moisturizing and conditioning properties to your serum and cosmetic formulations!
It's paraben-free (it won't release formaldehyde into your finished product like paraben based ingredients do).
Can be combined with other ingredients, like Leucidal, for increased effectiveness and longevity of formulations.
This ingredient only mixes with water (not oil), unless you are using an emulsifier to blend oil and water ingredients together. THIS IS NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT AND IS NOT MEANT TO BE USED DIRECTLY ON THE SKIN! If you are unfamiliar with how to use this item, please call RESURRECTIONbeauty for assistance! An ingredient to preserve freshness of a product is NOT a substitute for proper sanitation procedures necessary for clean and safe cosmetic production. Use in formulations with a pH range of 3 - 6.5 to ensure proper effectiveness. Usage rate: 0.5 - 2.0% of the water portion of your recipe. No scent, clear in color. The components that make up this ingredient are: Propanediol: Naturally produced from non-GMO corn, this component is approved by Eco-Cert, NPA, Health Canada and USDA as a bio-based - all natural derived ingredient, which is also Kosher certified. It also adds an emollient/moisturizing benefit. Ethylhexyl glycerin: Derived from glycerin, just as the name sounds. It also adds a skin conditioning benefit. Shown to be as effective as a paraben based ingredient but contains ZERO parabens. Potassium Sorbate: Widely used in certified organic foods like salsa, and other aquatic based foods that tend to mold easily. INCI: Propanediol (and) ethylhexyl glycerin (and) potassium sorbate Linatural is a trademark of Lincoln Manufacturing, LLC. Leucidal is a trademark of Active Micro Technologies, LLC.