Pro Alt C Alternator to Battery Charger 12V 130A

Product ID : 7434239

Galleon Product ID 7434239
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About Pro Alt C Alternator To Battery Charger 12V 130A

The 12V-130A Pro Alt C is effective, simple and fast to install. It transforms the output of your alternator into a sophisticated multi-stage battery charger resulting in faster and more complete charging of your battery bank(s). As they come, alternators are not good battery chargers. In fact, they are bad battery chargers. To charge batteries quickly and fully requires a more sophisticated device than that of a standard alternator regulator. Welcome to the Pro Alt C. It is fitted between the alternator and the battery and, unlike conventional alternator boosters, requires no modification / interference with the alternator whatsoever - therefore, bypassing any ECU or warranty restrictions. Optimizes the available output of the alternator and converts the output to mimic that of a mains driven 4 stage battery charger. Consequently, your batteries will charge 5 times faster - this mean less engine hours and less fuel used - the can, therefore, pay for itself in a matter of weeks.