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Product description Great Babysitters need Great Resources! Presenting an all new, recently unpdated version of "Kid Sitter Basics" a handy reference for young teens (ages 10-14) learning about the job of babysitting.? This book is favorably reviewed by the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation. Packed with information, this book is easy to read and much better than a typical, boring, how-to book! "Kid Sitter Basics" This book covers everything you need to know to get started safely with babysitting. The topics covered include everything from treating sitting as your first job to basic first aid and CPR. You can also learn about playtime activities, bathing, diapering, bedtime tasks and first aid and emergency guidelines. Many new sections have been added such as kitchen safety, pet safety, illness and the great outdoors. As a bonus, readers can also take a self-evaluation quiz at the end of the book to test their knowledge. Answers are included for immediate feedback. This handy book is written for new and experienced babysitters. Pocket planner (sitter calendar) and pad of forms included with order. Review "I used to have trouble finding fun activities for the children I babysat, but kids love the recipes and games in Kid Sitter Basics. Mrs. Stuhring's ideas are great! -- Karen V. "If you ever have a question about how to take care of a child, you can just open the book. I cannot believe how much the book tells you." -- Anna P., age 12 "Kid Sitter Basics is full of colorful, funky and fun activities for kids of different ages. This book is much better than a typical boring, how-to book!" -- Annette C. "Mrs. Stuhring has written a book that is very helpful for kid sitters. Thanks to her book, I have learned skills that will get me a great babysitting job." -- Shelly W. "This is an excellent book on babysitting - appropriate reading level and very practical and useful information. All medically appropriate with excellent instructions to deal with problems." -- Health Education Program of the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Kid Sitter Basics is full of colorful, funky and fun activities for kids of different ages. This book is much better than a typical, boring, how-to book!" -- Annette C. Kid sitter Basics helped me become a better person by teaching me how to nurture, guide and play with children. -- Josh M. Thank you for taking your job seriously, and learning as much as you can about babysitting. Enjoy Kid Sitter Basics - and your new job taking care of children! -- Celeste Stuhring RN and Glen Stuhring MD, Authors This handbook's compact style and high quality forms eliminates the need for additional handouts. This user-friendly reference provides young people with guidelines ranging from how to get started in the business to accident and fire prevention. The kids love it! -- Susan Higley-Walsh, Overlake Hospital and Medical Center, Bellevue WA From the Author Welcome to Kid Sitter Basics. This handbook is designed to help you become a better and safer babysitter. We've enhanced the latest version to incorporate out many years of medical experience with the most up-to-date practical information. In addition to providing you essential safety information and valuable babysitting tips, it will also help you with the business end of what may be your first job. As a babysitter, you play a very important role in the families you serve! Children often become very attached to their babysitters, and remember their stories, games and tender, loving care for years to come. You may prevent children from being injured or disabled, and might even save a child's life by applying the common sense knowledge and first aid contained in this handbook. From the Inside Flap Copyright 1999 by Kid Safety Plus. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author. Contact Celeste Stuhring, 13031 Holmes Point Drive NE, Kirkland, WA, 98034. Kid Sitter Basics and Kid Safety Plus are trademarks of Kid Safety Plus. All other names may be the property of their respective owners. The Kid Sitter Basics handbook contains general guidelines for babysitters. It is not meant to replace certified courses in babysitting, first aid, and CPR, which all babysitters are urged to take, but should be used as a tool to accompany these courses. Although the manual contain information from the most-respected safety, first aid, and CPR organizations in America, no booklet can substitute for the advice of a physician or trained health provider. Be sure to contact a health professional should an accident or injury occur. Kid Safety Plus assumes no liability for any actions taken by persons based on the information given in this book. From the Back Cover It's a big job taking care of little people. But if you want to be the best babysitter ever, just look inside this book. Kid Sitter Basics will tell you everything you need to know. You can learn about bathing, diapering, and bedtime tasks and up-to-date first aid and emergency guidelines. You can also learn about treating babysitting as your first business; crafts, games, and foods; check lists for staying prepared on the job; and lots more. You'll learn everything from how to handle temper tantrums to what to do if the power goes off. It's all in Kid Sitter Basics! About the Author A word about the authors: Celeste Stuhring, a Registered Nurse and Neonatal Nurse Specialist, has spent over 18 years working and caring for infants and children. She is the owner of Kid Safety Plus which has created safety-oriented programs for parents, teachers and students. She collaborated with her husband Glen, a family doctor for over 15 years, to revise and update the medical and health information. He works in "Family Practice" in Woodinville, WA and is currently certified by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Foundation. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Why babysit? Babysitting is a lot of fun. It's an exciting opportunity to have your first job. You get to be around small children and you can also earn extra money or begin saving for college. While babysitting can be fun, it's also a big responsibility. Think about it. To parents, their child is the most important being in their entire life! That's why it's important to learn everything you can about basic childcare and safety. In addition to teaching you about personal safety and first aid, this booklet will help prepare you for your first job. You'll learn what to expect in children of different ages and how to keep them happy. You'll also gain ideas for preparing easy meals and learn some fun, new games to play.