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ISIS PHARMA VITISKIN REGULATING DEPIGMENTATION HYDROGEL 50ML INDICATIONS Pigmentation deficiency. Regulating depigmentation hydrogel USE Apply VITISKIN twice a day, on the morning and the evening, on the affected areas as well as on the contours of the lesions. Avoid the eye area. PROPERTIES VITISKIN makes it possible to re-balance skin cell metabolism thanks to its anti-oxidant, anti-radical and anti-inflammatory agents: 1. Superoxide dismutase dismutin-BT: anti-radical and anti-inflammatory activity, inhibition of lipid peroxidation 2. Copper and Zinc: tyrosinase co-factor (CU) and preservation from oxidative damages 3. Vitamin B12: acts on the synthesis of melanin indispensable to the metabolism 4. Calcium Panthotenate: vitamin acting on the synthesis of melanin, necessary for the absorption of copper