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Designed for use with MST 140i, MST 180i and Fabricator 141i, 181i
DC only with 200 Max Amp output
2 collets, 2 collet bodies, 2 cup aluminas, 2 tungsten electrodes, and a short and long back cap
50 mm Dinse Connector (25 mm Dinse Adaptor on 1442-0020 for MST 140i)
Accessories included: collets 040" 7 1/16"; collet bodies 040" & 1/16"; cup aluminas # 4& 5; tungsten ceriated 040" & 1/16"
Firepower TIG torch 17V (with 1442-0065 accessories). lift TIG. Output: DC only. Max output: up to 200 amps. Argon use.