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Noisy Tow Hitch Driving You Crazy? Simply Solve your Hitch Wobble Problems The Zujara Hitch Tightener is designed to stop hitch movement in its tracks. The anti-rattle stabilizer fits securely over your 1.25” or 2” hitch and holds it firmly in place. It effectively prevents movement, unwanted noise, wobbling and rattling. Simply fitted in minutes, just slide the U-bolt over your hitch bar and attach the tightening plate with the supplied fixings. Practical and Durable Manufactured using high-quality, hard-wearing materials and heavy-duty components to ensure long-term service in all weather conditions. Extra Value - includes a Hitch Pin and Clip Zujara saves you time and money by including a standard 5/8” hitch pin with an R-clip with every tightener. Save your frustration and keep an extra pin in hand in case you lose one. It’s great to have a spare. Stop that Annoying Rattle Today!