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Set of 4 Shocks Fits 4WD vehicles with 0-1 inch Rear Lift with 0-2.5 inch Rear Lift
Part Numbers 24-185776 x2 24-191203 x2
Monotube gas charged for longevity durability and performance.
All necessary washers bushings and nuts included. Factory shock mounting bolts are reused for installation.
Description Due to their larger tires and a heightened stance, lifted vehicles place extra demands on a shock absorbers damping ability. The 5100 monotube design and patented digressive valving is uniquely suited to confront these demands. On or off-road, loaded or unloaded, Bilstein shocks instantly react to changing road inputs to maintain a stable, controlled, and comfortable ride. Bilstein's superior monotube high gas pressure design allows the excessive heat from the oil to transfer to the outer surface of the shock body and dissipate more efficiently. The dividing piston also permits the oil to expand as heat builds, preventing aeration (foaming) and viscosity loss. This allows the shock to maintain full damping characteristics as temperatures rise.