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Everyday Diesel Treatment - The ultimate diesel additive that increases cetane by up to 7 points and restores lost engine power for better fuel combustion and cold starting
Everyday Diesel Treatment - Acts as a fuel injector cleaner to maintain fuel system health, and prevents rust from forming in the fuel system by demulsifying water for easy removal
FR3 Friction Reducer - 100% synthetic oil additive that protects engines and improves performance in any gas or diesel engine
FR3 Friction Reducer - Works with synthetic or conventional oil to increase horsepower and fuel economy up to 5%
Diesel Extreme - Safely removes and prevents Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDIDs), External Diesel Injector Deposits (EDID’s) and other forms of varnish and deposits
Diesel Extreme - Increases cetane by up to 7 points after the fuel system is fully cleaned, for an even more effective boost in combustion, fuel economy, and engine power while reducing DPF regens