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David Bethune's multiple exposure photography is now available in limited edition 1" thick Magic Blox hand polished acrylic crystal. Each piece is signed by the artist and numbered. Find endless decorating options with 4x6" Magic Blox. This is one of the first graffiti multiple exposures that I ever made and it happened pretty spontaneously. I had just parked the car as close to the Bob Marley piece along the freeway as I could figure out and was walking toward what seemed to be the center of the Wynwood street art district when I came across these ladies trying to pictures of each other in front of the mural with the mother goddess figure in the center. Of course, I offered to take a picture for them and then extracted one half of this multiple from them in exchange. The other half is from a 3D installation with artificial flowers that was located inside the Wynwood Walls cordoned-off area. I love how the mother is embracing the women here. The outermost two are shown with their bodies containing a metaphorical illustration of birth, life, and death -- signified by the fetus inside the mother who is holding a child and backed up by a skeleton. Behind the head of the earth goddess, a marvelous bouquet of flowers erupts in both literal versions and Indian-inspired drawings. The two girls in the center are revealed to contain turquoise mandalas which symbolize the earth and its plant-centric arrangement of life on the surface. Outside, we are fragile, temporal creatures who inherit and inhabit a body for distinct periods of time. But this outside appearance is born from a higher, more loving state. At our core we are unified earth beings, connected without edges. This is the meaning of this piece to me. The title, "the flowers," in Spanish, refers to the cyclical flowering of all us over the earth.