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Colloidal Silica Nanospheres After several years of research and development, our synthesis of monodisperse silica nanoparticles has become a mature technology that enables us to precisely controls the particle size from batch to batch. Characterizations have been carried out using various precision instruments such as high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, particle size analyzer, and ultraviolet–visiblespectroscopy. The series of monodisperse particles have high sphericity, strictly monodisperse particle size, small coefficient of variation and stable physical and chemical properties. Our silica nanoparticles have a nearly perfect sphericity and an extremely narrow particle size distribution. The nanoparticles with a CV value of 3.0% have extremely stable physicochemical properties, are easy to store, and have good stability. The surface of these spheres is rich in hydroxyl functional groups and is easy to functionalize. Applications of our silica nanoparticles include research and preparation of photonic crystals, synthesis of ordered structural materials, biomedical testing, catalytic carriers, high-performance polymer additives, polymer nanocomposite fillers, preparation of advanced ceramics, chemical mechanical polishing. For more information, please visit us at or send us your questions to [email protected] or ask questions directly on the "Have a question?" tab above.